23:59:59 on February 26, 2021 is the deadline for sending the mandatory payment, it is the same deadline for sending income and e-financial reports.
According to Normative Instruction RFB No. 1,990, which establishes the rules for the submission of the declaration of withholding income tax for the calendar year 2020, the deadline for the submission of DIRF 2021 will be on February 26th.
The IN RFB 1990 will be valid for all declarations from the calendar year 2020, unlike previous years, when the RFB annually published a normative instruction with specific rules for the period.
All individuals and legal entities that made payments or credited income on which there was withholding of Withholding Income Tax – IRRF must submit the DIRF. The obligation also applies to companies that withhold taxes such as CSLL, Cofins and PIS/Pasep levied on payments made to other legal entities.
To deliver the DIRF via Protheus, it is necessary to update the system. The packages for updating your ERP have already been made available, contact us if you are ahead and don’t leave it to the last minute.
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