

eSocial: Postponement of the Entry of the 3rd Group and SST

The postponement of the mandatory entry of the 3rd group was published on the eSocial website, which would take place from September/2020, the postponement also includes other deliveries as described in the text below: “The state of public calamity resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic affected companies in the country, some of which even had their …

eSocial: Postponement of the Entry of the 3rd Group and SST Leia mais »

dirf 2021

Deadlines and rules of DIRF 2021 are disclosed

23:59:59 on February 26, 2021 is the deadline for sending the mandatory payment, it is the same deadline for sending income and e-financial reports. According to Normative Instruction RFB No. 1,990, which establishes the rules for the submission of the declaration of withholding income tax for the calendar year 2020, the deadline for the submission …

Deadlines and rules of DIRF 2021 are disclosed Leia mais »


Extension MP 936 – Emergency Program for the Maintenance of Employment and Income

LAW No. 14,020, OF JULY 6, 2020 Law No. 14.020/2020 was published, which presents the conversion of MP 936, contemplating the reduction of wages and working hours, in addition to the suspension of contracts, during the COVID-19 pandemic. The law has some vetoes, including the exemption of the payroll that covers 17 sectors of the …

Extension MP 936 – Emergency Program for the Maintenance of Employment and Income Leia mais »