cloud ERP

When technology is well used, it makes the routine of a company easier and more assertive.

Solutions such as ERP in the cloud is the type of innovation that has added efficiency to your organization’s management. Keeping up with this trend can be crucial to keeping your business competitive when compared to competitors.

With a focus on good results, automating your services like ERP results in a more capable and focused management.

Do you know the benefits of cloud ERP? Do you have any idea how many advantages this process brings? Keep reading and understand a little more about it. You might be surprised!

In practice:

When we talk about ERP implementation in your company, it is possible to come across two different terms, On Premises and On Cloud.

Both terms refer to hosting the ERP used in your company. The choice must be made taking into account, mainly, the business structure of your enterprise and what your needs are.

Therefore, ERP On Premises is about installing a system directly on a business’ servers. As a result, all its management is carried out by an IT team located within the company or outsourced.

On the other hand, when we talk about ERP On Cloud, storage is done in the cloud. Fact that makes the entire operation to be done online. Which eliminates the need to purchase additional software and hardware.

Thus, the cloud ERP allows all company operations to be done in an online environment. Therefore, it is enough to have access to the internet to have access to all the information stored in the management system.


When analyzing an online system, security needs to be a predominant factor. The ERP in the cloud guarantees the total security of your data and the possibility of limiting and tracking who and what accesses your system.


ERP in the cloud leads to the reduction of work time for some activities, while also reducing some expenses, such as sheets and printers. And above all, it does not require hiring an IT team or a specialized service.


All sectors of a company are connected. Therefore, they can share and access information simultaneously. The result of this is an increase in a company’s productivity.

With all these possibilities, will you be left out?

Leef is a Silver partner of Microsft, thus being able to help you put your ERP in the cloud with one of the best known companies in the market and also more reliable and secure. And the best thing without being dependent on the supplier.

We prioritize the use of systems that can add value to our customers.

Enter in contact with us and find out more about our services.

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